“Turczaninowia”, the scientific journal of Altai State University, is included in the “Web of Science Core Collection”

Based on a multi-stage editorial assessment of the “Web of Science” office, the scientific journal of Altai State University – “Turczaninowia” – has been included in the Core Collection of “Web of Science”.

Articles published after 1 January 2018 will be included in the following “Web of Science Core Collection” indices: “Biological Abstracts”, “BIOSIS Previews”, and “Emerging Sources Citation Index”. Now the stage of technical transfer of the journal’s archive is passing and work on the stable transfer of metadata of future issues is being established with the technical office of “Web of Science”.

The journal is already indexed in the “Scopus” and “RSCI Web of Science” citation databases, where it is highly rated by external links by authors of authoritative scientific journals – Q3 by SJR.

At the national level, the “Turczaninowia” journal has been considered one of the leading scientific periodicals on botany. The journal publishes the actual results of scientific research on floristry, taxonomy, molecular plant genetics, geobotany, biotechnology, etc. in Russian and English. The “Turczaninowia” journal is included in the list of journals indexed by IPNI (The International Plant Names Index, www.ipni. org), thus, it officially allows the description of taxa new to science in the journal.

According to independent experts, the “Turczaninowia” journal is a good Russian scientific edition with a high scientific level of published works. The journal has an editorial board consisting not only of Russian specialists, but also scientists from Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Japan and China. All materials presented in the journal are double blind reviewed. The editor-in-chief of the journal is the director of the “South Siberian Botanical Garden” of Altai State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alexander Ivanovich Shmakov.

The first editor-in-chief of the “Turczaninowia” journal was Rudolf Vladimirovich Kamelin (1938–2016), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Botanical Society, a leading botanist of the country and the world. Rudolf Vladimirovich was the inspirer, ideologist, author of the name of the journal.

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