South-Siberian Botanical Garden (SSBG) of Altai State University is located in the belt pine forest in the upper part of Barnaul and is separated from urban areas by a forest at a distance of more than 900 m. There are no major transport routes or other pollution sources.

Address of the main collections: Barnaul, Yuzhny village, Lesoseechnaya str, 25, 656906.

Geographical coordinates: 53°16’N, 83°40’E.

Altitude: 194-203 m.

Climate: continental, average t°С = +1.0°С; average Jan t°С = -17.7°С; average July t°С = +19.7°С.

Annual precipitation: 480 mm.

Total precipitation for the growing season: 300 mm.

Soils: grey forest-landed, leached chernozem, loess and sandy.

Area: 48.2 ha.

Staff: 48 people, including 2 doctors and 17 candidates of sciences (PhD-equivalent).

SSBG on Google Maps

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