The “Turczaninowia” scientific journal of Altai State University was awarded the “Q2” category

SciVal, a modular platform for monitoring and analyzing international scientific research, presented an assessment of the results of research activities of more than 12,000 organizations (universities, government and corporate research centers) from 230 countries. According to the SciVal assessment of scientific journals, which determines bibliometric indicators reflecting the level of citation, therefore, the demand for the journal by the scientific community, the “Turczaninowia” scientific botanical journal was assigned the “Q2” category. 

For a short, but sufficient for bibliometric calculations (Hirsch Index, impact factor, etc.) period of time, the international citation bases – Scopus and of Science (Core Collection) have highly appreciated the demand of scientific articles in “Web of Science (Core Collection) have highly appreciated the demand of scientific articles in “Turczaninowia” for the international scientific community.

At the same time, at the national level, the “Turczaninowia” journal has long established itself as one of the leading scientific and information periodicals on botany. The journal publishes the actual results of scientific research in the field of floristry, taxonomy, molecular plant genetics, geobotany, biotechnology, etc. in Russian and English. The journal is included in the list of journals indexed by IPNI (The International Plant Names Index, www.ipni. org), thus, it officially allows the description of taxa new to science.

In the opinion of independent experts, the “Turczaninowia” journal is a good Russian scientific publication with a high scientific level of published works. The journal has an editorial board consisting not only of Russian specialists, but also scientists from Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Japan, and China. All materials presented in it go through double blind peer review. The editor-in-chief of the journal is the director of the South Siberian Botanical Garden of Altai State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Alexander Ivanovich Shmakov.


The editorial board of the “Turczaninowia” journal draws the attention of the authors, that when calculating indicators and assessing the category of the journal by quartile, it is necessary to focus on the official platform for monitoring and analysis of the SciVal international scientific research published by Elsevier. As a result of 2020, based on the data of “SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR)”, the “Turczaninowia” scientific journal was erroneously assigned the “Q3” category. This incident was caused by the erroneous intake of articles from neighboring journals of Altai State University by the Elsevier publishing house because of a technical failure. At the moment, Elsevier has corrected the article metadata collection algorithm and according to the SJR response to our request, the bibliometrics in the SJR ranking for 2021 will be corrected and taken into account in the calculation in 2022.

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