bot36 08 2012-588

The South-Siberian Botanical Garden was organized as a center for the study and conservation of the Altai flora and training of botanical specialists.

The challenges of the Botanical Garden are:
– study of biology, distribution and development of measures to protect rare and endangered plant species;
– Introduction of rare, economically valuable and ornamental plant species;
– introduction of biotechnology methods in studying and breeding of rare and endangered species, breeding of new varieties of ornamental and economically valuable plant species;
– reintroduction of rare and endangered species of the Altai flora;
– study of flora and vegetation cover of the Altai Mountainous Country;
– preparation and publication of the multi-volume summary “Flora Altaica”;
– replenishment of the SSBG herbarium fund;
– monographic study of individual groups of plants;
– refilling of the Seed Bank and the collection of live plants of USBS;
– conducting laboratory classes, summer practices, special courses;
– providing material for term papers and diploma theses;
– training of qualified specialists in botany of different profiles.

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